Friday, March 16, 2012


I've got my quilting hat on at the moment and wanted to share the latest from the fantastic Block-of-the-Month club. Thanks to this club, which I am a member of through the Birmingham Quilter's Guild, I have learned so many quilt block patterns. These are terribly inspiring and this latest one might be the most inspiring yet. I have a few baby quilts to make for dear friends and find this color explosion such a great idea for a baby quilt. Can you imagine being able to spend your first days exploring the colors and patterns and shapes of this star? I'm going to get back to it and then treat myself to some comedy at ArtPlay later this evening. For those who are quilt-loving like me, don't forget that tomorrow, March 17th is National (why not International?) Quilting Day...which means you should spend part or all of the day with some quilt-loving activities...enjoy!

The first task is to cut out 36 two-inch squares from scraps in your scrap bag. I had the scraps but not the patience to cut out all 36 at once. I had to cut a bit and then sew a bit and then cut a bit and then...

35 unique fabrics. Can you spot the duplicate?

Once the center piece was complete and I had the eight additional scraps cut out, I, this is gonna be big!

Very fun once it all comes together

Largest single quilt square I've ever made at 18 inches

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